Welcome to my writing hub. You can find all of my essays and articles here.

One of my lifelong goals is to deeply understand the musical experience so we can create art that empowers individuals and audiences.

In addition to studying music, I read a lot about music psychology and philosophy, and share what I learn from both on this site. You can subscribe to my newsletter here.

For a personal essay, check out Do you write the sounds you hear?

My most popular article so far: The Bach Chorale Exercise

If you love music theory, here are some articles from my harmony email course (which is a free experience you should definitely consider signing up for):

For my philosophy of music, I recommend this piece: The Music of a Symphony

And here’s an essay about how we can improve the way we understand and teach music: Four Ways of Knowing

To get regular posts, my free email newsletter can be checked out at this link.

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Major and Minor Chords and their Progressions
Jordan Ali Jordan Ali

Major and Minor Chords and their Progressions

After intervals, chords are the next-level building block of musical organization. This article shows how I think about chords and their progressions, and teaches you fundamentals for composing with them.

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Sound, Fundamentals, and Overtones
Jordan Ali Jordan Ali

Sound, Fundamentals, and Overtones

The laws of physics and acoustics will definitely interest a musician studying theory and harmony. Closely investigating the phenomena is how we will come to learn about the possibilities of sound, and ultimately find the roots of music in the laws of nature.

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